Austmarine is widely recognised as a world leader in the design and manufacture of Live Seafood Holding and Display Tanks. With over 35 years experience in the industry Austmarine is the preferred supplier to commercial designers, international hoteliers, supermarkets, restaurants, seafood markets, fishermen, seafood wholesalers and exporters worldwide.
The Austmarine live holding technology has been specifically designed for the commercial throughput of live fish, live lobster, live crab, live shellfish and any other live seafood commercially available. Austmarine systems employ unique technology and an internationally patented system design that delivers tangible advantages over any other live seafood tank in the market.
As a company our vision is to raise the benchmark in the quality of live seafood throughout the world. We are committed to providing effective live seafood holding products at each stage of the seafood supply chain, from point of harvest to the dining table. This includes Bulk holding tanks designed for fishermen, wholesale/export and aquaculture industries. Live Transport tanks for wholesalers and fishermen in remote locations. Right through to live seafood display tanks and innovative refrigerated fresh seafood displays for the retail and hospitality industries.
Winner of multiple Business Excellence Innovation & Export Awards
Our four major product lines include Live Retail Display Tanks, Live Bulk holding Tanks, Live Transport Tanks and Refrigerated Seafood Cabinets.
View the advantages of Austmarine live seafood display tanks today.
Austmarine specialises in both state of the art design and manufacture – Using the latest technology Austmarine can take an initial concept from the design stage, through to manufacture and installation. The quality of the end product is a core company focus with components being sourced from around the world to achieve Austmarine’s required quality standard.
Let us provide you with live seafood holding and distribution that is tailor-made to your specific product requirements, holding capacities, throughput requirements and export needs.
Leadership by design, quality and innovation
Austmarine now exports their patented technology to over 35 countries around the world. Austmarine specialises in both state of the art design and manufacture. Using the latest technology, Austmarine can take an initial concept from the CAD design stage, through to manufacture and installation. The company’s comitment to continual product development and high quality standards has assisted in putting Austmarine at the forefront of the industry on a global level.





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