etodadmin, Author at Austmarine The most advanced live seafood tanks in the world! Thu, 09 Mar 2023 02:08:46 +0000 en-AU hourly 1 etodadmin, Author at Austmarine 32 32 AS SEEN IN THE MEDIA – Cray fishermen hooked by storage facilIty Thu, 09 Mar 2023 01:33:13 +0000 Port Fairy professional cray fisherman Howard Sharp was one of those fishermen Article Written By: Amy Marshall PORT Fairy fisherman shouldn’t take long to catch on to the concept of their new live fish holding facility which was launched yesterday. Member for Wannon, David Hawker officially opened the facility which three fisherman have been using […]

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Port Fairy professional cray fisherman Howard Sharp was one of those fishermen

Article Written By: Amy Marshall

PORT Fairy fisherman shouldn’t take long to catch on to the concept of their new live fish holding facility which was launched yesterday.

Member for Wannon, David Hawker officially opened the facility which three fisherman have been using since mid-November.

Port Fairy professional cray fisherman Howard Sharp was one of those fishermen.

He said he had definitely gained from using the tanks despite teething problems which saw almost $2000 worth of catch die.

“We just overloaded them before the bacteria had built up and (the tank) couldn’t handle it,” Mr Sharp said.

“But now when you put the crays in, the crays purge and the bacteria can clean all that stuff out of the water.

“I haven’t lost one cray since . . . I’ve got a lot of confidence in them now.”

Mr Sharp said since he has been using the storage tanks he hasn’t sold to local buyers.

“You can just store them up and wait for a better price to come along,” he said.

“It gives you more control over your product and your job.

“We’re being dictated to by buyers who say: `This is the price today, bad luck’,” he said. “The price in South Australia today is $31 (per kilogram) and the price in Warrnambool is $27.

“From there I’ve made an extra $1000.”

The two tanks in the historic bait shed off King George Square at Port Fairy are believed to be the first publicly-owned crayfish storage tanks in the country.

Moyne business and tourism director James Purcell said the tanks added to the livelihood of the Port Fairy community because of the level of activity at the wharf.

Mr Sharp said fear of losing crayfish, costs and responsibility for maintenance made some fishermen apprehensive about using the tanks.

They were content to sell their catch on the day.

“It’s a bit of a change but that’s what you’ve got to do,” he said.

Mr Purcell said the operating costs were quite small and a number of fishermen had indicated they were keen to use the tanks.

“The word that we’re getting back from the fisherman using them is that they’re happy and we think as the word gets out that its working for them that others will want to use it as well,” he said.

Source: The Standard Newspaper

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As Seen In The Media – Smart Oysters Thu, 08 Jul 2021 23:22:56 +0000 Live storage tanks the key to cash flow during crisis Written By Colin Bridges How live storage helped OysterLife pivot in the face of natural disasters Four years ago, if you had asked Ewan McAsh where the best place to keep his oysters was, he would have said the river. Now, he’ll tell you live […]

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Live storage tanks the key to cash flow during crisis

Written By Colin Bridges

How live storage helped OysterLife pivot in the face of natural disasters

Four years ago, if you had asked Ewan McAsh where the best place to keep his oysters was, he would have said the river. Now, he’ll tell you live tanks are the way to go.

These tanks were essential in helping the business survive bush fires, floods and even Covid.

“When we first thought about them, we weren’t sure, we’re pretty spoiled in terms of fresh seafood and we thought we’d get blow back from chefs or consumers because the oysters were not straight out of the river. What we found was that the tanks gave the animals time to rest after being processed, so the quality was maintained and, most importantly, there was less work,” he says.

“The tanks mean we can harvest when oysters are at their best and when the weather makes the farm operations a whole lot easier. We have them available to sell every day of the week.

“During flood times, when the river was shut for harvesting for weeks on end, we had cash flow. During Covid, when restaurants shut down, we could pivot and start selling locally and direct to online because we already had the infrastructure in place to hold, store and ship small volumes of oysters.”

Ewan started Signature Oysters, a direct-to-consumer sales model, to circumvent the traditional model of selling hessian bags wholesale. The farm’s high-tech grading machinery could process 3,000 dozen at a time but was inefficient when selling smaller orders of 10 or 20 dozen. Which is where the live tanks came in.

“The tanks can hold 1,000 dozen, so we can use the wholesale processing equipment and then pack out small volumes over the following week. It’s been so successful that were now scaling up our wet storage facility, for wholesale and retail oysters,” Ewan says.

So how does it work?

“The live tanks are like big fish tanks, they’re designed for abalone, lobster and other live seafood species. They use UV light and carbon filters and they’re refrigerated as well, which are great for oysters because they are cooled down and almost in hibernation. The oysters are breathing but not feeding and can rest for a few days after the rigours of harvesting. It maintains their quality and can help with shelf life too,” Ewan says.

“The oysters can be kept in there for 8-12 weeks. They’re really resilient and they like it in there just chilling. Three months later they’re as good as the day you put them in, but we typically only keep them in for about 7-10 days.”

The first tank was installed in 2016. Since then, two more have been added. Ewan says they helped keep the business afloat during the devastating bush fires which ripped through Australia in 2019/2020.

“The most recent bush fires burnt out our entire catchment which was then hit by a major flood. While this did put the fires out, it also meant the river closed until the water cleared and salinity was back up. Before the fires, it was rare to shut the river more than 10-12 days, but when the catchment is completely burnt out it can now be shut for four or five weeks. We’ve had three incidences this year (and it’s only early spring),” Ewan says.

“Stocking the live tanks prior to rain events allows for cash flow to continue once the river closes for harvest. They were extra handy because we could also store and sell other farmers’ oysters. It’s made the business a whole lot more resilient to natural disaster, so we’ve decided to scale it up. Climate change is here, and we can expect more uncertainty and natural disasters. The tanks buffer us from this and make the business run smoother.

“Without the tanks we would’ve had a whole lot more financial stress and we wouldn’t have as much control over the supply chain, so we’d be almost be forced into accepting lower prices for our oysters.

“The storage tanks give us a sale-ready inventory that my marketing company can draw on. Instead of harvesting to order, we’re selling what’s in stock and what’s great quality. It’s super-handy in the new online sales realm.

“Other farmers rang us up and asked us how we were doing oyster sales, we shared it with them. Many had done all the work of setting up an online sales website but they hadn’t necessarily learnt the lessons we’d learnt – trying to harvest to order small volumes on a day-to-day basis is a nightmare. We’d already learnt that and invested in tanks to do it much more smoothly.”

The other advantage of the live tanks is that they save time, you’re not double-handling the oysters.

“When you harvest you often have surplus oysters that you can’t sell that day, traditionally you put them back in the water then have to process them again. With the tanks, you’re not having to re-handle them,” Ewan says.

“If you’d have talked to me four years ago, I would’ve said the best place to keep oysters is in the river, that it’s the best storage tank around. Not anymore.”

Source: Live storage tanks the key to cash flow during crisis

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Better, Fresher Shellfish? The Answer is Modern Live Fish Transport Tanks Mon, 28 Jun 2021 07:32:58 +0000 The post Better, Fresher Shellfish? The Answer is Modern Live Fish Transport Tanks appeared first on Austmarine.


Preserving Shellfish Quality

One of the many problems faced in the aquaculture industry is preserving shellfish quality from the fishing stage to the consumer stage.

As widely known, shellfish deteriorate quickly – not only from the point of death but also from the moment they are taken out of their natural habitats.

This makes the process complicated. And, on top of that, there are many factors to be considered when transporting different species of shellfish.

Of course, fishers, wholesalers and restaurants want to supply the best quality shellfish, so what is the solution to this? How are the best aquaculture businesses working around this commonly faced problem?

What are the Factors Involved?

Shellfish – such as crabs, lobsters, oysters and shrimps – must be kept alive for as long as possible to preserve their quality and freshness. But replicating their natural habitats once taken out of the ocean for transport is a tricky, uncertain operation that aquaculture businesses still run into problems with.

And when these issues arise, it can mean spoiled shellfish, unmet supply and damages to profit.

Just some of the factors that have to be addressed when transporting live shellfish include:

  • oxygen supply and carbon dioxide and nitrogen in the water
  • pH value (alkalinity and acidity)
  • water temperature
  • Marine species organic and inorganic waste

All of these must be regulated and controlled optimally – throughout each stage of the marine holding tank process – to guarantee that the product arrives in pristine condition.

One death (as well as one unhealthy shellfish) can spoil a whole batch, and even an increase in stress levels can cause the shellfish to degrade in quality.

Not only that, but regulating the above conditions over long travel periods can result in equipment failure if the equipment involved is substandard.

Preserve Shellfish Quality with Live Fish Transport Tanks

Transporting live shellfish doesn’t have to be complicated, and the simple solution to this is employing the right technology.

Modern technology has of course come a long way, and here at Austmarine we’ve played a big part in live fish tank innovation on a global scale with our patented Oceantronic© range of live seafood transport tanks.

Over 35 years, we’ve designed and engineered world-leading live fish tank systems that have set the industry standard for how live seafood should be transported, kept and displayed – serving all areas of the aquaculture process.

The Austmarine Oceantronic System

What makes our live seafood tanks different? It all comes down to our Oceantronic© system, boasting smart microprocessors that control:

  • three filtration levels emulating the ocean’s natural ecosystem
  • organic and inorganic waste removal
  • water level sensors and low water alarms
  • water temperature sensors – with programmable high and low temperature alarms
  • automatic fan cycle control
  • fast water drainage
  • anti-short cycling (equipment failure protection)

Our live seafood tank systems offer a full range of sizes for both transport and holding – all energy-efficient and robustly built from heavily insulated vacuum-sealed fibreglass.

The Oceantronic© system itself has been tested and reviewed by Bentleys MRI Consulting for Australian Stock Exchange, the results finding that Austmarine Oceantronic tanks offer high live product throughput, no needed water changes, no mortality issues, long product retention times and minimal or no product weight loss.

Want to find out more? Just visit Austmarine Live Transport Tanks.

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What are the Most Farmed Seafood Products in Australia? Fri, 28 May 2021 07:31:00 +0000 The post What are the Most Farmed Seafood Products in Australia? appeared first on Austmarine.


Australia’s aquaculture industry has grown significantly in the last two decades, with a reputation for high-quality and sustainable produce that’s gone a step further with the recent launch of the Australian Marine Conservation Society’s GoodFish initiative.

On the whole, Australia farms and produces more than 40 species, but the following are some of the most farmed.

These seafood species are found all around the Australian coast, providing year-round production, with farmers now employing new innovative and sustainable means for maintaining seafood freshness and quality for both export and commercial consumption.

Atlantic Salmon

Atlantic salmon is widely considered the most popular fish dish in Australia, particularly during festive seasons. Although not native, it has a high-valued farming industry in Tasmania worth $1 billion per annum. The Atlantic salmon reaches its most harvestable stage at 16 to 18 months, and has high demand both domestically and across Asian markets.


Barramundi is another popular fish among Australians. The traditional and iconic silver-scaled barramundi is found on Australia’s north-western coast, spawned through September to March and conveniently cultivated in both freshwater and saltwater tanks. Its rarer counterpart, the golden barramundi, is currently in high demand for its whiter, fresher tasting flesh.

King Prawns

Both king prawns and tiger prawns are farmed in Australia, mostly along the eastern coast with peak seasons being around Christmas and before Easter, harvested for commercial markets at 5-7 months.

Classed as shellfish, prawns quickly spoil after loss of life. Although prawns can be frozen, high-tech seafood transport tanks are becoming increasingly popular among Australian aquaculture businesses, which have provided the advantage of keeping the product alive and fresh for both marketplace and restaurant trade.

Blue Mussels

Australian blue mussels are cheap and popular, consumed at domestic restaurants and at home as a versatile and easy-to-prepare seafood dish. This is due to blue mussels being available year-round in Australia, farmed widely across the coasts of New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia and south Western Australia.

Blue Swimmer Crab

Blue swimmer crabs populate most of Australia’s coast, but have most yearly farming output in Queensland between July and August. As shellfish, blue swimmer crabs spoil within a few days after loss of life. And similarly with prawns and shrimps, live crab tank systems have fast become the industry’s most functional solution for maintaining the highest quality of the product.

Western Rock Lobster

The western rock lobster – also nationally called crayfish – are found in Western Australian waters. Along with the eastern rock lobster, it is produced year-round. Considered a luxury dish, rock lobsters are another shellfish product that Australian fishermen and wholesalers face the pressure of selling within just a day or two. The meat is also commercially sold cooked and frozen, however this comes at the cost of quality and financial yield.


Abalone, a type of mollusc, are considered a nutritious and sweet delicacy in Australia. These are found and farmed across Australia’s southern coasts, with peak seasons between October and May. Commercially, freshly cut and cleaned abalone meat is frozen to be sold (with a shelf life of two months), but high-end Australian seafood restaurants are now benefiting from live onsite supply, kept in bulk live holding tanks, cooked to serve.


Oysters in Australia include Native, Sydney Rock and Pacific oysters, generally farmed along the South Australian coast through April to September, with Sydney Rock oysters from September to March. Mention the Pacific oysters that are farmed in Tasmania.

Oysters are another seafood product often producing quality issues for aquaculture businesses. This is yet another reason why Australia’s aquaculture industry has turned to advanced live seafood tank systems, where oysters – and other shellfish products – can be kept live, stress-free and fresh for up to 6 months.

Live Seafood Holding Tanks – The New Industry Solution

Many types of seafood – especially shellfish such as prawns, crabs, lobster and oysters – spoil both after loss of life and when removed from their natural habitat, presenting various problems for restaurants, restaurant suppliers, wholesalers and exporters when it comes to preserving optimum seafood product quality.

Live seafood holding tanks have moved to the forefront as the best solution for keeping live seafood prime during the transport and onsite holding stages of the aquaculture process, and our patented Oceantronic© system from Austmarine has been intelligently engineered over 35 years to fulfil that purpose for global markets, utilising tried and tested technology that regulates temperature, controls water quality and removes the need for frequent cleaning.

Our range includes live fish transport tanks and bulk live holding tanks in a range of sizes for different applications. Take a look at our product ranges by visiting Austmarine products.

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Why Live Seafood Holding Tanks are More Important Than Ever Wed, 28 Apr 2021 07:31:00 +0000 The post Why Live Seafood Holding Tanks are More Important Than Ever appeared first on Austmarine.


Live seafood holding tanks are required to bulk-hold live seafood for a range of purposes that include wholesale, transport and retail consumption.

Many species of fish do not live long out of their natural environment, which makes bulk live holding tanks a solution for maintaining optimum seafood quality – a win-win for both restaurant seafood suppliers and consumers.

There is one thing, however, that is making live seafood holding tanks more important than ever; that is the climate change, and the effects it’s having on the ocean’s stock of marine species and subsequently the world’s fishing industries.

Ocean Warming

It’s no secret that our oceans are slowly warming up due to climate change. As the temperature of the atmosphere increases, so does the sea surface temperature as well as the overall temperature of the ocean itself.

Warmer ocean temperatures force fish to adapt (migrate) or die out. This, in turn, disrupts the marine ecosystem as a whole, as well as our fisheries.

Ocean Acidification

Similar to trees and plants, the ocean also does its part in absorbing carbon dioxide, which helps to slow down climate change. However as more carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere, the more the ocean is having to absorb.

Carbon dioxide reacts with seawater in a way that increases its acidity. And this increased acidity is harmful to various ocean species and marine life, particularly shellfish that use calcium (which is affected by carbonic acid) to form their shells.

The Advantages of Live Seafood Holding Tanks

Unfortunately, climate change is gradually making it harder for fish to thrive and the result can mean an unpredictability in supply.

Live seafood holding tanks, however, are a means for exporters, restaurant seafood suppliers and restaurateurs to effectively manage their inventory while keeping the seafood product in pristine condition and fresh for extended periods of time.

Our MC range at Austmarine does just that, using innovative design and patented technology that efficiently bulk-holds live seafood – long-term – in a way that other conventional tanks do not replicate.

We design live wholesale tanks and live export tanks for both transport and large-scale bulk holding, catering to all steps of the aquaculture process.

Austmarine MC Bulk Live Holding Tanks

Our MC live seafood holding tanks offer a range of sizes, ideal for backdoor restaurant setups as well as large-volume seafood holding for wholesalers and exporters.

MC250 – our smallest tank, ideal for backdoor operations (up to 250kg per 24 hours)
MC500 – entry-level tank for wholesalers and retailers (up to 500kg)
MC1000 – mid-level tank for wholesalers and retailers (up to 1000kg)
MC5000 – our largest tank, ideal for holding large volumes of seafood (up to 5000kg)

The Austmarine MC range shares one purpose: to keep live seafood product fresh and with minimal weight loss for long periods of time, which can be up to 12 weeks (depending on the product).

Our live seafood tank systems are built from heavily insulated, vacuum-sealed double-skin fibreglass. The patented technology featured in all our tanks – Oceantronic – boasts a state-of-the-art automated control system that regulates temperature, water level and monitors (prevents) power failure.

In any event, bulk live holding tanks are an invaluable investment for aquaculture businesses committed to maintaining optimum quality of their seafood product.

You can find more information about our MC range at Austmarine Bulk Live Holding Tanks as well as our TR live transport tanks. 

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Austmarine’s Patented Oceantronic System Sun, 28 Mar 2021 07:29:00 +0000 The post Austmarine’s Patented Oceantronic System appeared first on Austmarine.


Our patented Oceantonic System is a feature of our live transport tanks and bulk live holding tanks, designed specifically to preserve the quality of live seafood in a way that other systems do not replicate.

Using innovative technology developed over 35 years, Austmarine Oceantronic products are now recognised as some of the world’s most advanced live seafood tank systems.

Below, you can find out how our Oceantronic System sets itself apart from conventional live seafood tanks.

Oceantronic Technology

Oceantronic was created to emulate the ocean’s natural ecosystem. Many seafood products fail to survive for long out of their natural environment, and this is why we developed this system to preserve all types of seafood through all parts of the supply chain: from transport and delivery to wholesale and back-of-house restaurant holding.

Unlike other tank systems, Oceantronic tanks offer far greater advantages in terms of seafood quality preservation, ease of use and general maintenance.

Both our TR and MC products use Oceantronic Technology, which comprises the following:

  • heavily insulated, vacuum-sealed double-skin fibreglass
  • live product preservation for up to 8-12 weeks with minimal or no weight loss
  • innovative biological, aeration and refrigeration technology
  • electronic sensors controlling water temperature and water level
  • short cycling alarms and equipment failure protection
  • various sizes for small and big transport and holding operations

Oceantronic Scientific Review

A marine science review was conducted on our Oceantronic System by Bentleys MRI Consulting, organised by the Australian Stock Exchange.

Our products were assessed from a design and functional standpoint and included data collected from certified Austmarine product owners.

In a summary, the results found on our Oceantronic tanks were as follows:

  • accurate holding capacities
  • no water changes were necessary
  • no mortality problems
  • long seafood product retention times with minimal or no weight loss in product
  • pH and salinity remained stable over long periods
  • increased product throughput than conventional tank systems

Austmarine TR and MC Live Seafood Holding Tanks

The TR and MC range of live seafood holding tanks both feature our patented Oceantronic Technology.

These are robustly built from insulated, vacuum-sealed double-skin fibreglass, feature self-regulating controls and are low maintenance as well as cost-efficient.

The difference between these two Oceantronic product lines is that one is designed for transport, while the other is designed for static bulk live holding.

Austmarine TR Range

Austmarine TR live fish transport tanks are designed for delivery, able to preserve the quality of live seafood products that typically do not last long out of their natural environment. The TR100 can hold up to 170kg of product and is designed for trucks, boats and trailers. Our TR500 can hold a higher volume of live seafood and can be fitted to both trucks and boats.

Austmarine MC Range

Austmarine MC bulk live seafood holding tanks are designed for live seafood holding for long periods (up to 12 weeks), catering to both back-of-house restaurant operations and large-scale bulk holding for wholesale and export. The MC range features four sizes with our largest tank holding up to 5000kg of product.

You can find more information about our Oceantronic product lines at Austmarine.

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The Appeal of Live Seafood Display Tanks in Restaurants Sun, 28 Feb 2021 07:29:00 +0000 The post The Appeal of Live Seafood Display Tanks in Restaurants appeared first on Austmarine.


Considering having live seafood display tanks in your restaurant?

Restaurant fish tank setups have a variety of perks in addition to the unique dining experience it offers seafood restaurants and upmarket luxury restaurants.

If you’re looking to increase the quality of your seafood dishes or boost the appeal of your restaurant, read below to find out the various advantages of live seafood display tanks.

See Before You Buy

Seeing, even trying, a product before purchasing is becoming more and more prevalent. For some products and consumers, buying isn’t even considered without the option of seeing it first in person.

Restaurant menus allow customers to read about dishes, sometimes with an image, however, live seafood display tanks go further by allowing the consumer to both see and choose the seafood product they’re going to part with their money for.

This added advantage makes dining more exciting and is often the main appeal and reason why diners visit restaurants with live seafood displays. After all, the sight of live healthy product is synonymous with superior taste and quality.

Better Quality Seafood

Many fresh seafood species quickly deteriorate in quality after expiry, making live seafood display tanks a far superior option when it comes to preserving the freshness of the product as well as its final taste.

These species, in particular, include shellfish such as lobsters, crabs and shrimps. For restaurants that craft their menus around these sought-after types of seafood, a live shellfish tank would result in better-tasting, higher-quality dishes.

The Experience

It is no surprise that restaurants with live seafood display tanks offer something that other restaurants do not, and that is the experience and luxury factor of dining on seafood that is handpicked by the customer and overall far superior in quality than lifeless, refrigerator-kept seafood – particularly when it comes to premium seafood such as lobsters.

Restaurants with live seafood tank display units cater to this specific market and its premium dining experience, and can better tailor their prices as a result of the increased quality of the seafood offered.

Not only that, restaurants with live tank setups have greater appeal in terms of restaurant first impressions and interior aesthetic.

Austmarine Live Seafood Display Tanks – Custom-Made

Here at Austmarine, we design and build live seafood display tanks for restaurants all around the world – custom-made to fit any space, setting and throughput requirements.

Using advanced technology developed over 25 years in the industry, our live seafood tanks are built to last, preserve all types of seawater and freshwater seafood (with up to four temperature-controlled environments) and provide an exciting visual display for public consumers.

Our innovative team also designs refrigerated supermarket seafood displays, as well as live transport tanks and bulk live holding tanks for both restaurant and warehouse-based bulk live seafood holding.

Find more information on our custom live seafood tanks at Austmarine Live Seafood Display Tanks.

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The Advantages of Live Seafood Holding Tanks Thu, 28 Jan 2021 07:27:00 +0000 The post The Advantages of Live Seafood Holding Tanks appeared first on Austmarine.


Bulk holding live tanks have become invaluable for businesses in the aquaculture industry – and the many advantages it offers are only increasing in importance.

There are many seafood species that cannot last long out of their natural environment. This makes transporting them and preserving their quality for sale and consumption a meticulous and often risky process.

But, with the right equipment, it doesn’t have to be.

Here at Austmarine, our live seafood holding tanks offer the ultimate solution to preserving live seafood and quality out of their natural environment. For both transport and on-site holding, we design tanks that work, using patented technology that we developed initially in 1985 and then further evolved over the subsequent years.

The Advantages of Live Seafood Tank Systems

For seafood restaurateurs, restaurant seafood suppliers, wholesalers and exporters, bulk holding live seafood on-site is becoming the new norm for many tangible reasons.

Using the right means, there no longer has to be a rush for transporting or selling live seafood product – along with all the planning, stress and hard work that comes with it.

Just some of the many advantages include:

  • live seafood holding for long periods of time
  • seafood is high quality and stress-free for export and retail consumption
  • having readily available on-hand stock
  • improved inventory management
  • cash flow maintenance in the event of order issues

Our MC range of live seafood tanks at Austmarine delivers these advantages in various-sized tanks for any operation and space. We also cater to the movement stage in our equally state-of-the-art TR range of live fish transport tanks.


One of our many esteemed clients, OysterLife, founded by Ewan McAsh – who also heads Signature Oysters and SmartOysters – has greatly benefited from using our tanks as an easy-to-manage, all-inclusive digital farming system for clients in NSW.

Utilising our MC500 marine water holding tank, Ewan is able to hold up to 12,000 oysters in optimal condition for up to 12 weeks, low maintenance and available for both instant sale and organised pack out without re-handling, which risks spoiling the product.

Ewan even accredits his Austmarine tank to having given him the crucial advantage of managing and maintaining stock and cash flow during the Australian bush fires in 2019 and 2020, as well as throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, and has since invested in two more.

Austmarine MC Bulk Live Holding Tanks

When it comes to bulk live holding, our range of MC tanks sets the standard for keeping live seafood in perfect health for extended periods of time, boasting expertly engineered and patented Oceantronic technology that we’ve developed specifically for the intelligent and hassle-free maintenance of all types of freshwater and seawater seafood.

The highly advanced MC range is self-contained, self-operating and designed to suit a variety of purposes and spaces, from back door kitchen setups in restaurants to large-scale seafood holding for aquaculture wholesalers and exporters.

The patented design itself sets our products apart from the rest, boasting a smart automated control system as well as robust vacuum-sealed and heavily insulated double-skin fibreglass that ensures the holding of live products for up to 12 weeks, with no weight loss.

The Austmarine range includes the MC250, MC500, MC1000 and MC5000 – ideal for any business dealing with live seafood trade.

You can find more information about these tanks at Live Seafood Holding Tanks.

Bulk holding live tanks have become invaluable for businesses in the aquaculture industry – and the many advantages it offers are only increasing in importance.

There are many seafood species that cannot last long out of their natural environment. This makes transporting them and preserving their quality for sale and consumption a meticulous and often risky process.

But, with the right equipment, it doesn’t have to be.

Here at Austmarine, our live seafood holding tanks offer the ultimate solution to preserving live seafood and quality out of their natural environment. For both transport and on-site holding, we design tanks that work, using patented technology that we developed initially in 1985 and then further evolved over the subsequent years.

The Advantages of Live Seafood Tank Systems

For seafood restaurateurs, restaurant seafood suppliers, wholesalers and exporters, bulk holding live seafood on-site is becoming the new norm for many tangible reasons.

Using the right means, there no longer has to be a rush for transporting or selling live seafood product – along with all the planning, stress and hard work that comes with it.

Just some of the many advantages include:

  • live seafood holding for long periods of time
  • seafood is high quality and stress-free for export and retail consumption
  • having readily available on-hand stock
  • improved inventory management
  • cash flow maintenance in the event of order issues

Our MC range of live seafood tanks at Austmarine delivers these advantages in various-sized tanks for any operation and space. We also cater to the movement stage in our equally state-of-the-art TR range of live fish transport tanks.


One of our many esteemed clients, OysterLife, founded by Ewan McAsh – who also heads Signature Oysters and SmartOysters – has greatly benefited from using our tanks as an easy-to-manage, all-inclusive digital farming system for clients in NSW.

Utilising our MC500 marine water holding tank, Ewan is able to hold up to 12,000 oysters in optimal condition for up to 12 weeks, low maintenance and available for both instant sale and organised pack out without re-handling, which risks spoiling the product.

Ewan even accredits his Austmarine tank to having given him the crucial advantage of managing and maintaining stock and cash flow during the Australian bush fires in 2019 and 2020, as well as throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, and has since invested in two more.

Austmarine MC Bulk Live Holding Tanks

When it comes to bulk live holding, our range of MC tanks sets the standard for keeping live seafood in perfect health for extended periods of time, boasting expertly engineered and patented Oceantronic technology that we’ve developed specifically for the intelligent and hassle-free maintenance of all types of freshwater and seawater seafood.

The highly advanced MC range is self-contained, self-operating and designed to suit a variety of purposes and spaces, from back door kitchen setups in restaurants to large-scale seafood holding for aquaculture wholesalers and exporters.

The patented design itself sets our products apart from the rest, boasting a smart automated control system as well as robust vacuum-sealed and heavily insulated double-skin fibreglass that ensures the holding of live products for up to 12 weeks, with no weight loss.

The Austmarine range includes the MC250, MC500, MC1000 and MC5000 – ideal for any business dealing with live seafood trade.

You can find more information about these tanks at Live Seafood Holding Tanks.

The post The Advantages of Live Seafood Holding Tanks appeared first on Austmarine.

Austmarine – Patented Live Seafood Holding Tanks and Display Tanks Mon, 28 Dec 2020 07:20:00 +0000 The post Austmarine – Patented Live Seafood Holding Tanks and Display Tanks appeared first on Austmarine.


What We Do at Austmarine

At Austmarine, we specialise in designing and building seafood holding tanks and seafood display tanks with one aim: to preserve the quality of live seafood.

Through innovative engineering, we’ve designed these for every step of the aquaculture process. This includes transporting live seafood, bulk holding live seafood and displaying live seafood.

Over 35 years, we’ve provided for wholesalers, exporters, restaurants, hotels and supermarkets in over 35 countries.

Our world-leading tanks and cabinet displays use advanced patented technology and can be custom-made for any requirements.

Check out our four main product lines below – what they are for and the advantages that each offers.

Bulk Live Holding Tanks

Where are Bulk Holding Tanks Used?

Bulk holding tanks offer the advantage of keeping live seafood on-site for a range of purposes. For wholesalers and seafood restaurant owners, they have become an invaluable asset.

The Perks of Seafood Bulk Holding Tanks

  • hold live seafood for long periods
  • maintain seafood freshness and quality for export and retail consumption
  • provide on-hand stock and improved inventory management

Austmarine Live Seafood Holding Tanks

We’ve manufactured the ultimate range of bulk live holding tanks for live seafood. Our MC holding tanks are fully self-contained and come in different sizes for any purpose and space.

These offer intelligent conditioning for different types of seafood, self-monitored by a smart microprocessor that controls parameters such as water temperature, water level and short cycling/power failure, complete with warning alarms and visual displays.

Through proven performance, our MC250, MC500, MC1000 and MC5000 tanks can keep the live product in pristine condition for up to 12 weeks with no weight loss.

Live Seafood Display Tanks

Where are Seafood Display Tanks Used?

Live seafood cabinets are the fish, crab and lobster display often found in seafood restaurants and seafood shops/fish markets offering an exciting live display for customers to choose from.

The Perks of Live Seafood Displays

  • provide an exciting visual display of live seafood for public consumers
  • maintain freshness and quality
  • boost restaurant appeal and aesthetic

Austmarine Seafood Display Cabinets

We build custom live seafood cabinets for any space and requirement. These are specifically made for all types of seawater and freshwater seafood and can be built in a range of eye-catching cabinet designs. After an initial customer needs analysis, we can design the ideal display tank for any setting and throughput capacity.

Refrigerated Display Cabinets

Where are Refrigerated Seafood Displays Used?

Refrigerated seafood displays present and preserve seafood for immediate purchase in supermarket or marketplace environments.

Austmarine Refrigerated Seafood Displays

Our Arctic Spray Merchandiser range can be designed for any setting and foot traffic. This advanced display maintains seafood quality for both visual presentation and consumption. The Arctic Spray Merchandiser is also more advanced than any conventional display, allowing low cost of operation, low maintenance and improved visual aesthetic.

The Advantages of Our Fresh Seafood Display Cabinets

  • use large angled displays, hidden lights and water misters
  • prevent spoilage and odours
  • offer fast defrost and low operating cost
  • custom-built to any size and design

Live Fish Transport Tanks

Where are Live Seafood Transport Tanks Used?

Bulk seafood transport tanks are the essential link in transporting live seafood from the point of farming to the wholesale or retail stage of purchase and consumption. This is especially important as many species cannot survive long out of the ocean.

Austmarine Seafood Transport Tanks

Our transport tanks have been expertly engineered to preserve seafood quality for short-haul and long haul transport, ensuring all seafood, no matter the species, arrives in a perfect, stress-free condition. Our range features the same patented Oceantronic technology as our bulk live holding tanks but optimised for harsh transport.

The Advantages of Our Transport Tanks

  • built using heavily insulated, vacuum-sealed double-skin fibreglass
  • use patented Austmarine Oceantronic technology
  • offer two sizes that can be fitted to trucks, trailers and boats
  • can preserve the live product for up to 8 weeks with minimal weight loss

Austmarine – Advanced Live Seafood Display Tanks, Holding Tanks and Transport Tanks

Find more information on our products and to enquire with us today – just visit Austmarine products.

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